How do you choose the best glasses frames? - Fantasy Optics

designer frames

Every now and then, we are faced with a major decision. Which frame should you get for your glasses? After all, there are over 500+ designs in a Specsmakers store, and everything is competing for attention and appears to be attractive.

You've always wondered if there are any rules you can follow to create a shortlist of spectacle frames from which to choose?

There are some simple guidelines for selecting glasses frames. You can select them based on three broad criteria.

a) Eye Colour b) Hair Colour and c) Skin Tone

Within each of these broad parameters, a personal choice must be made. That is, do you want to stand out by wearing a contrasting frame or do you want to blend in by wearing a muted colour?

Whatever path you choose, here are some general guidelines:

Glasses frames based on eye colour:

Grey eyes:

Choose a colorful frame for your glasses. This is due to the fact that grey is a neutral colour that needs to be complemented with bright colours to stand out.

Amber / brown eyes:

Any colour will complement Brown / Amber eyes. You can use black to create brighter colours for your frames. Bold colours should be used if you want to be noticed.

Eyes that are blue:

Orange, a complementary colour to blue, would be a good choice of frame for people with blue eyes. Look for our Happster collection, which includes Tortoise Shells and Colored frames to make you look sharp and stylish.

Frames for Different Hair Colors:

Hair is similar to the frames you choose for your eyes. To enhance your style, the frame should complement your hair colour.

Hair Color: Black

Depending on your preferences, you can go with a darker or black frame to look stylish and elegant, or you can go with a bold colour to stand out and make a statement.

Gray / White Hair:

White or grey hair is the ultimate in neutrality. While neutral frames are fashionable, bold coloured frames will add a youthful touch to your appearance.

Skin Tone-Specific Frames:

Skin Tone: Cool

For that cool look that complements your skin, choose frames with cool tones such as blue, silver, grey, and so on.

Skin tone that is neutral

This is the best colour tone, like white or grey, because it will look good with any frame.

Skin Tone: Warm

Cool skin tones are the polar opposite of this. Complement your warm skin tones with warm frames such as oranges and reds. Warm skin tones look great with black frames.

Now that you have a general idea of how to choose frames for your glasses, go to your nearest Specsmakers store or to try on our extensive collection and find the perfect frame for you.


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